How to take a new selfie for bitmoji snapchat

Your Bitmoji is your digital avatar, and it’s important to keep it up-to-date so it looks like you. If you’ve changed your hairstyle, gotten new glasses, or just want to give your Bitmoji a fresh look but the edit avatar is not enough for you, then you can take a new selfie to update it.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to your profile.
  • Tap on the Gear button to go to settings.
  • Tap on the Bitmoji.
  • Tap on Remove My Bitmoji
  • Restart snapchat and go to your profile.
  • Tap on Create Avatar
  • Position your face in the circle on the screen.
  • Choose your gender.
  • Tap on the Shutter button to take a selfie.
  • Review your selfie and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Tap on the Save button to update your Bitmoji selfie.

Tips for taking a good Bitmoji selfie:

  • Make sure your face is well-lit.
  • Look straight at the camera.
  • Smile or make a neutral expression.
  • Avoid wearing sunglasses or hats.
  • Try to take your selfie in a well-lit room with a plain background.

Here is a tutorial video from Bitmoji on how to take a new selfie: Link to YouTube video:

Why should you take a new Bitmoji selfie?

There are a few reasons why you might want to take a new Bitmoji selfie:

  • Your appearance has changed. If you’ve gotten a new haircut, gotten new glasses, or experienced other significant changes to your appearance, you may want to update your Bitmoji selfie to reflect your new look.
  • You want to give your Bitmoji a fresh look. Even if your appearance hasn’t changed, you may simply want to give your Bitmoji a new look. For example, you could change your hairstyle, clothes, or accessories.
  • You’re having fun with it! Bitmoji selfies are a great way to express yourself and have fun. There are endless possibilities, so get creative and see what kind of Bitmoji selfie you can come up with.

No matter what your reason is, taking a new Bitmoji selfie is a quick and easy way to update your digital avatar. So what are you waiting for? Take a new Bitmoji selfie today!

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